First Agape Baptist Community of Faith
Deacons are the male leaders of the First Agape, after the Pastor and his Ministers. They help with items such as Outreach, visiting the sick and/or housebound members of First Agape, organizing Men's Ministry events, and many other things. The core objective of the Deacons, other than to lead and help maintain order, is to help the Church by taking some load off of the Pastor and his ministers.
The Deaconess are the female arm of the leadership and organization of the church, and are essentially the female version of the Deacons. The Deaconess at First Agape are a fantastic group of women that help keep things orderly and functional by assisting the Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Ministers, and Deacons.
The ushers of First Agape are few, but all fulfill their duties as they are given. The duties of the Ushers at first agape include: greeting people as they enter the church, handing out programs and hymnals, delivering items such as water and fans to the congregation as needed, and transporting the microphone during Sunday Service.
Our missionaries assist First Agape by reaching out to the community, and spreading the gospel by visiting the sick and bedridden friends and family of First Agape. The core objective of First Agape's Missionaries is to serve God, and that is done by sharing the good news with those that are willing to listen.
Our trustees aid First Agape through managing the church finance. First Agape's trustees also maintain the health, function, and cleanliness of the church house and a physical place. First Agape's Trustees have a lot to take care of, but they all do it in the power and love of Jesus Christ.